No credit card is required to sign up and unlock all features for your trial. It's simple, transparent and fair.
In the top menu navigate to Register. On the registration page, click on the Auth0 logo to sign up with Google or Sign Up with your email and password. Finally select your Username and complete the registration. If you wish to sign up without Auth0 you can do so also.
After successful registration you will be redirected to your User Profile.
Complete your user details and select your Role on the app. Your role defines in what capacity you will be using the app, i.e as a Pilot or Operator.
Based on your selected role a Free Subscription will be activated and you will be redirected to your Role Profile.
Your Role Profile captures your Pilot or Operator specific details, which are required for the app to work and make your life easier.
If you have selected the Pilot role, you can also capture your current Logbook Totals for carry over to
As an Operator navigate to Fleet Admin in the top menu and select Register Aircraft.
Search for your aircraft make and model with the available filters and click on the Select link. Complete the details of your
aircraft on the next screen and save. Repeat these steps for all your aicraft.
Pilots who are Members of your organisation can now log their flights on your aicraft fleet.
As a Pilot navigate to Memberships in the top menu.
Click on Membership Application and select the Operator, whose aircraft you are flying. Once your membership is approved you can log your flights on the Operator's fleet.
If your Operator is not listed to submit a Membership application, you can register the aicraft you are flying, provided
it has not yet been registered.
Take off to the skies and enjoy your flight.
After you shut down your engine, navigate to your Cockpit on the app and click on Log Flight. Capture the details of your flight as you read the hobb and tach counts from the aircraft and hit the save button.
Then crack a beer and enjoy, instead of doing paperwork. Cheers.
For more information visit the Knowledge Base on the Support Portal.